Kingloch Parade, Wantirna Construction Updates

Q3 2024: Construction Update.

Rolling into the 3rd quarter (quite literally) as we lay down the crushed rock ready for the internal road works.

What we can’t see: Coordinating consultants for the internal road works and a tick of approval from the civil plumbers for underground checks.

What we can see: Roadway boxed out and crushed rock to get ready for concrete pour and said concrete pour! Trucks, cranes, and trades, all working together!

What we’ll see next: Completion of the concrete road and time to handover to our builder!

Q2 2024: Construction Update.

Halfway through the year and another update down at 56 Kingloch Parade.

What we can’t see: Survey control points mapped out, lot benching, building permit documentation progress, appointment of some key contractors, and many coordination meetings to prepare for the next stage of site works.

What we can see: A sad farewell to our display suite.

What we’ll see next: Internal roadworks commencing as we pave the way out of the ground.

Q4 2023: Construction Update.

‘Twas a year of hustle and bustle at Kingloch Parade, so let’s take a moment to reflect on the journey so far.

What we can see: Authority headworks, civil infrastructure, retaining walls, communal stairs, detailed lot benching and pre-slab site cuts.

What we can’t see: Formal inspections, testing and authority certifications, subdivision approvals and financial close with the construction financier.

What we’ll see next: Final tidy up for builder handover, builder announcement, hopefully a lot less mud and some sunny weather.

Q3 2023: Construction Update.

Q2 2023: Construction Update.

Ah, Melbourne’s predictably cold and wet winter’s back! Despite the endless mud pits, things are processing smoothly on site.

What we can see: New fire hydrants, NBN installation, engineered steel ready to be cored into site and lots of muddy trades.

What we can’t see: Completed storm water, main water & all fire services pipes, more pits (with over 100 underground!) and you guessed it, another 2000m3 of soil gone.

What we’ll see next: Final testing and certificates for all services, lot benching for preslab works and a final tidy up for handover, along with some very exciting news you’ve all been waiting patiently for.

Q1 2023: Construction Update.

Kingloch Parade has had a cracking start to 2023 with a dry summer on our side.

What we can see: 4 metre deep trenches, heaps of crushed rock and some very hard working plumbers.

What we can’t see: Pits & pipes of all shapes & size(s), dual detention system along the blue-green spine and some more purchasers joining the community.

What we’ll see next: More piles of dirt (exciting stuff – we know), qualified electricians joining the ride and some shiny new water meters.

Q4 2022: Construction commenced.

It’s been a busy few months at Kingloch Parade, despite the industry uncertainty and wet weather (cheers, La Niña).

What we can see: No more weeds & shrubs (some trees had to go too), site cuts to remove the not-so-nice stuff, shiny new boundary fencing & retaining walls.

What we can’t see: Over 200 truckloads of soil gone, live power, detailed design approvals and all purchasers chuffed with their customisations sorted.

What we’ll see next: Detailed lot leveling, some more retaining walls and with some luck, a dry summer break.

Q3 2022: Early works and authority headworks commenced.